
Creator: coderz1093

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dispose scope

DisposeScope #
DisposeScope reduces the amount of boilerplate related to disposing/canceling/closing objects when no longer needed.
The DisposeScope class stores references to appropriate dispose/close/cancel methods and calls them when the scope is disposed.
This package can be used by itself however it's mainly intended as base for flutter_dispose_scope and bloc_dispose_scope packages.
Usage #
import 'package:dispose_scope/dispose_scope.dart';

final disposeScope = DisposeScope();

// StreamSubscription will be cancelled when disposeScope is disposed
const Stream.empty().listen((event) {}).disposedBy(disposeScope);

// Timer will be cancelled when disposeScope is disposed
Timer(Duration.zero, () {}).disposedBy(disposeScope);

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Supported types #
This package contains extension methods for dart standard library classes requiring clean up. For additional extension methods checkout flutter_dispose_scope and bloc_dispose_scope.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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