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djangomodularlanguages 0.5
Current version: 0.5
This script automates the creation and maintenance of multiple language catalogs
across a django project. The current language maintenance tool included in django
does not manage multiple catalogs sparsed through the django project tree, this
script ends that. Using this script with transifex-client is a very good option.
How to install
To install this script you must copy it inside your project root (in the same
directory as or you can make a “scripts” directory inside your
project root and copy the script there.
Configuring django to use the script
Django has (in my opinion) the bad habit of including all the applications in
the same variable: INSTALLED_APPS, that is not a good thing, because it doesn’t
isolate the user applications.
What you need to do is just that, isolate your applications from the django ones,
making another variable, for example MYPROJECT_APPS and then unite them to the
django ones in INSTALLED_APPS. In this example case, the project applications have
been separated into three categories: DJANGO_APPS, THIRDPARTY_APPS (applications
included in the project but not developed by the team) and MYPROJECT_APPS, including
just the project application that we have developed.
# This list is from the builtin applications in django. Watch out for
# applications that need some specific order, like django-grappelli in
# this case. It's a third part app, but due to the load order, we must
# put it here.
# This list is from the third party software included in the project or
# system-wide dependencies.
# Modules created for the project and installed by default. You can add
# here your own modules.
After you have configured your applications variables, you must declare the
languages you will use on the project with LANGUAGES. If you already have a
multilingual django project it’s quite probable that you already have this
defined. If not, you will have to define a python dictionary with LANG_CODE:LANG_NAME. For example:
('es_ES', 'Espanol'),
('en_GB', 'English'),
('gl_ES', 'Galego'),
How to use the script
This script is run from the command line, in the project root or in the scripts
directory. If you don’t exceute it from there it will fail to locate the file. It has three basic commands:
make Creates (or updates) all the language catalogs in your project
compile Compiles after translation all the language catalogs
clean Removes all the language catalogs from the project. Asks for confirmation first
There is also a “help” command which output is:
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] {make,compile,clean} ...
e-cidadania language catalog generator. This script manages all the .po and
.mo files from templates, python code and javascript i18n (if used).
positional arguments:
make Create all the language catalogs for translation,
including JavaScript.
compile Compile all the language catalogs for use.
clean Delete all the language catalogs. After this you will
have to rebuild the catalogs and translate them.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For example, to create or update your language catalogs, the command would be:
$ python make
Which output should be (we’re using e-cidadania project as example):
>> Languages to generate:
- Espanol
- English
- Galego
>> Installed applications:
- accounts
- proposals
- news
- debate
- spaces
- staticpages
- cal
>> Generating language catalog: accounts
processing language es_ES
processing language en_GB
processing language gl_ES
>> Generating language catalog: proposals
processing language es_ES
processing language en_GB
processing language gl_ES
(after ending the standard catalogs it starts with JavaScript ones)
>> Generating JavaScript language catalog: accounts
processing language es_ES
processing language en_GB
processing language gl_ES
>> Generating JavaScript language catalog: proposals
processing language es_ES
processing language en_GB
processing language gl_ES
(etc., etc.)
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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