
Creator: coderz1093

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djangoflow app links

Deep-link extraction and listening based on app_links and djangoflow_deep_link_interface. #
This package is a concrete implementation of the djangoflow_deep_link_interface package which provides abstract classes for handling app links. It uses the app_links package, which provides a simple way to handle links on both Android and iOS.
Getting started #
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Usage #
To use the AppLinksRepository, you first need to create an instance of it:
final appLinksRepository = AppLinksRepository();
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This method returns the initial app link as a future that resolves to a Uri or null if it doesn't exist.
final initialLink = await appLinksRepository.getInitialLink();
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This method returns a stream of incoming app links as Uri.
final linkStream = appLinksRepository.getLinkStream();
linkStream.listen((link) => print(link));
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This class provides the implementation for the abstract methods defined in DjangoflowDeepLinkRepositoryBase<Uri> so that the class can be used to create a cubit that can handle app links.
To use the AppLinksCubit, you first need to create an instance of it with a concrete repository and initial state:
final appLinksRepository = AppLinksRepository();
// Provide the AppLinksCubit
create: (context) => AppLinksCubit(
)..startListening(), // this will start listening to the upcoming deep links
// Listen to Uri changes
listenWhen: (previous, current) =>
current != null,
listener: (context, appLink) {
final path = appLink?.path;
if (path != null) {
// navigate to the path
child: child,
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Limitations #

This package is only applicable to mobile platforms(iOS and Android)
This package is dependent on app_links package, make sure to follow their setup instructions as well


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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