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djdgdjangooauth 1.0.1
# django-oauthDescription--------Djdg Django Oauth provides a simple signature middleware verification between appsSupport-------mail to [email protected]* Python 2.7* Django 1.9Installation------------**Install with pip** pip install djdg-django-oauth**Add `djdg_oauth` to your `INSTALLED_APPS`** INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'djdg_oauth', )**run migrate to add tables:** python migrate djdg_oauth**list, add, del app secret:** python listauthapp {app_name} python addauthapp {app_name} python delauthapp {app_name}**add middleware**(**options**, *you can create yourself middleware with djdg_oauth.oauthclient.OauthClient.verify_request*): MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ... 'djdg_oauth.middleware.DjdgAuthMiddleware',)**add settings**(*app secret gaved by others*) DJDG_AUTH = { "APPS": [ {"appid": "xxxxxx", "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "app": "xxx"}, .... ] "FULL_ESCAPE_URL": [....] # full match url to escape auth check, "REGEX_ESCAPE_URL": [....] # regex match url to escape auth check, "REGEX_CHECK_URL":[...] # need check url, if not empty, escape urls invalid })Documentation--------------**Verify request** from djdg_oauth.oauthclient import OauthClient auth = OauthClient() auth.verify(request)**Do request** from djdg_oauth.oauthclient import OauthClient request_data = { "url": #url, "app": #app type, "parameters": #all request data, "method": #request method, "headers": #default None } OauthClient.oauth_request(**request_data)License-------djdg-oauth is released under the terms of the **BSD license**. Full details in ``LICENSE`` file.Changelog---------version 0.0.20debug ascii error
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