
Creator: coderz1093

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domain verification manager

Domain Verification Manager #

This plugin exposes some of the methods to check the Android App Links verification state, by using the DomainVerificationManager API.
⚠️ This only works with Android 12 (S - API Level 31) and up. Older versions will throw an error with WRONG_SDK_VERSION, while other platforms will return UnsupportedError.
You can use await DomainVerificationManager.isSupported to check if the current Platform and API version is supported.
You are able to:

Get the domains that have passed Android App Links verification (domainStageVerified)
Get domains that haven't passed Android App Links verification, but the user manually associated the app (domainStageSelected)
All other domains (domainStageNone)
Open the app settings where the user can manually grant permission (domainRequest)

await DomainVerificationManager.domainStageVerified returns a List<String>?.
await DomainVerificationManager.domainStageSelected returns a List<String>?.
await DomainVerificationManager.domainStageNone returns a List<String>?.
await DomainVerificationManager.domainRequest opens the app settings page.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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