
Creator: coderz1093

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drift editors

drift_editors #
Description #
This package came about because I found I was spending a lot of my time writing user interfaces to edit the rows I had coded in drift. Not only is this quite boring, but it's not particularly creative, and something I felt should be handed off to something more dynamic, so I could get on with adding features to the various editors I tend to work on.
Also, even though I have package:backstreets_widgets, I found I was writing lots of code to created tabbed interfaces for what amounted to settings or admin pages.
Enter drift_editors #
I made drift_editors to take all the heavy lifting out of at least updating rows. Now, instead of code like:
final database = ref.watch(databaseProvider);
final dao = database.missionsDao;
final value = ref.watch(missionProvider(missionId));
return SimpleScaffold(
title: 'Edit Mission',
body: value.when(
data: (final mission) => ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
children: [
value: mission.name,
onChanged: (final name) async {
await dao.editMission(
mission: mission,
companion: MissionsCompanion(name: Value(name)),
header: 'Mission name',
point: Point(mission.x, mission.y),
onChanged: (final point) async {
await dao.editMission(
mission: mission,
companion: MissionsCompanion(
x: Value(point.x),
y: Value(point.y),
title: 'Initial coordinates',
error: ErrorListView.withPositional,
loading: LoadingWidget.new,
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I can write code like:
final database = ref.watch(databaseProvider);
final missions = database.missions;
final value = ref.watch(missionProvider(missionId));
return value.when(
data: (final mission) {
final id = mission.id;
return DriftEditorScreen(
columnHandlers: [
value: mission.name,
column: missions.name,
xColumn: missions.x,
yColumn: missions.y,
value: Point(mission.x, mission.y),
title: 'Initial coordinates',
title: 'Edit Mission',
database: database,
tableInfo: missions,
primaryKeyColumn: missions.id,
primaryKey: id,
onChanged: () => invalidateProviders(ref),
error: ErrorScreen.withPositional,
loading: LoadingScreen.new,
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If you would rather write your own screen, the [ColumnsListView] widget can be used directly.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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