
Creator: coderz1093

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dropbox client

dropbox client #

A flutter plugin for accessing Dropbox.
Setup #
Register a Dropbox API app from https://www.dropbox.com/developers .
You need dropbox key and dropbox secret.
For Android, add below in AndroidManifest.xml (replace DROPBOXKEY with your key)

<!-- Change this to be db- followed by your app key -->
<data android:scheme="db-DROPBOXKEY" />

<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
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If you need more help setting up Android, please read https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java#setup .
For iOS,

add below in Info.plist
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add below in Info.plist (replace DROPBOXKEY with your key)
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3.a) If you are using Swift, add below code to AppDelegate.swift
import ObjectiveDropboxOfficial

// should be inside AppDelegate class
override func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if let authResult = DBClientsManager.handleRedirectURL(url) {
if authResult.isSuccess() {
print("dropbox auth success")
} else if (authResult.isCancel()) {
print("dropbox auth cancel")
} else if (authResult.isError()) {
print("dropbox auth error \(authResult.errorDescription)")
return true

// if your are linked with ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 6.x use below code instead

override func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
DBClientsManager.handleRedirectURL(url, completion:{ (authResult) in
if let authResult = authResult {
if authResult.isSuccess() {
print("dropbox auth success")
} else if (authResult.isCancel()) {
print("dropbox auth cancel")
} else if (authResult.isError()) {
print("dropbox auth error \(authResult.errorDescription)")
return true
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3.b) If you are using Objective C, add below code to AppDelegate.m
#import <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url
options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
DBOAuthResult *authResult = [DBClientsManager handleRedirectURL:url];
if (authResult != nil) {
if ([authResult isSuccess]) {
NSLog(@"Success! User is logged into Dropbox.");
} else if ([authResult isCancel]) {
NSLog(@"Authorization flow was manually canceled by user!");
} else if ([authResult isError]) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", authResult);
return NO;

// if your are linked with ObjectiveDropboxOfficial 6.x use below code instead

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url
options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
BOOL result = [DBClientsManager handleRedirectURL:url completion: ^(DBOAuthResult *authResult) {
if (authResult != nil) {
if ([authResult isSuccess]) {
NSLog(@"Success! User is logged into Dropbox.");
} else if ([authResult isCancel]) {
NSLog(@"Authorization flow was manually canceled by user!");
} else if ([authResult isError]) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", authResult);
return NO;
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Update Deployment Target to iOS 9.0 or above from Xcode. (dropbox_client 0.7.0 and above)

If you need more help setting up for iOS, please read https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-obj-c#get-started .
Usage #
import 'package:dropbox_client/dropbox_client.dart';

Future initDropbox() async {
// init dropbox client. (call only once!)
await Dropbox.init(dropbox_clientId, dropbox_key, dropbox_secret);
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// Legacy Authorization
String accessToken;

Future testLogin() async {
// this will run Dropbox app if possible, if not it will run authorization using a web browser.
await Dropbox.authorize();

Future getAccessToken() async {
accessToken = await Dropbox.getAccessToken();

Future loginWithAccessToken() async {
await Dropbox.authorizeWithAccessToken(accessToken);

Future testLogout() async {
// unlink removes authorization
await Dropbox.unlink();
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// OAuth 2 code flow with PKCE that grants a short-lived token
String credentials;

Future testLogin() async {
// this will run Dropbox app if possible, if not it will run authorization using a web browser.
await Dropbox.authorizePKCE();

Future getCredentials() async {
credentials = await Dropbox.getCredentials();

Future loginWithCredentials() async {
await Dropbox.authorizeWithCredentials(credentials);

Future testLogout() async {
// unlink removes authorization
await Dropbox.unlink();
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// List / Upload / Download

Future testListFolder() async {
final result = await Dropbox.listFolder(''); // list root folder

final url = await Dropbox.getTemporaryLink('/file.txt');

Future testUpload() async {
final filepath = '/path/to/local/file.txt';
final result = await Dropbox.upload(filepath, '/file.txt', (uploaded, total) {
print('progress $uploaded / $total');

Future testDownload() async {
final filepath = '/path/to/local/file.txt';
final result = await Dropbox.download('/dropbox_file.txt', filepath, (downloaded, total) {
print('progress $downloaded / $total');
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Example can be found in example folder.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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