
Creator: coderz1093

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easy cleaner

Easy Cleaner #

Easy Cleaner is a Dart CLI package designed to remove unused locale keys from JSON files used with the easy_localization package. It helps keep your localization files clean and manageable by identifying and removing keys that are no longer in use.
Features #

Extracts all keys from the specified abstract class (default is LocaleKeys).
Searches for key usage in all Dart files within your project.
Identifies unused keys by comparing all extracted keys with the keys found in use.
Removes unused keys from your JSON localization files.

Installation #
You can globally install easy_cleaner using the Dart package manager:
dart pub global activate easy_cleaner
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Command Line Options #
You can customize the behavior of easy_cleaner using the following options:

--current-path: The current path of the project, default is the current directory.
--generated-class-key: The name of the generated class key, default is LocaleKeys.
--assets-dir: The directory where the JSON files are located, default is assets/translations.

Example Usage with Options: #
easy_cleaner --current-path /path/to/project --generated-class-key MyCustomKeys --assets-dir path/translations-files
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Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues and pull requests.

Fork the repository.
Create a new branch:
Make your changes.
Commit your changes:
Push to the branch:
Create a new Pull Request


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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