
Creator: coderz1093

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easy engine

Easy Extensions #
The easy_engine package is the counter part of the easy-engine built as the firebase cloud functions to support various essential features that cannot be done from font-end applications like enabling and disabling user account, sending push notifications, and more.
Terms #

easy-engin (with a hyphen) is the cloud function project. Meanwhile, easy_engine (with an underscore) is the Flutter package that supports access to the cloud functions of the easy-engine.

Why the cloud functions? #

Refer Why cloud functions? at the easy-engine cloud function project.

ClaimAdmin #

This function is optional. You can set a user as an admin without this function. You can simply open the Firebase console -> Firestore -> look for user document -> set admin field to true to make a user as an admin.

The EngineService.instance.claimAdmin function allows the logged-in user to set himself as an admin. If an admin already exists, it will give an error(Exception) with the code already-exist and the message Admin already exists.

Essentially, it marks the admin field of the logged-in user as true if no other user has this field set to true.

region is the region of your cloud functions. It is recommended to have the same region as your firestore.

onPressed: () async {
try {
await engine.claimAdmin(region: region);
} on FirebaseFunctionsException catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
child: const Text('Claim Admin'),
copied to clipboard
ClaimAdminButton #

Use the ClaimAdminButton widget for simplicity, or copy its code to customize it yourself.

ClaimAdminButton(region: 'asia-northeast3'),
copied to clipboard
Delete Account #

This fucntion provides a better user experience to users and easy to develop the recent-login logic to developers.

This function is optional. You can develop the recent-login procedure in your app without installing this function.

As stated in the official document of Apple developer's page, it is mandatory to provide a way of deleting their own account to users.

The code below only provides the account deletion only. It is up to the app how to delete all the user related data and sign out.

If the cloud function is called again when the user account is deleted, it will throw an error of internal.

onPressed: () async {
try {
final re = await engine.deleteAccount();
} on FirebaseFunctionsException catch (e) {
Text('Error: ${e.code}/${e.message}'),
} catch (e) {
content: Text('Error: $e'), // e.code: internal, e.message: INTERNAL
child: const Text('Delete Account'),
copied to clipboard
Push notifications #

The easy-engine cloud function project supports push notifications. But this easy_egine of easy_packages does not support these functions because the easy_messaging package is already supporting the push notification of easy-engine.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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