
Creator: coderz1093

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easy image cropper

easy_image_cropper #
A simple image cropping widget that easily allows cropping avatars and other images. It ensures a consistent cropping experience on both iOS and Android.

Quick start 🚀 #

Install this package.
flutter pub get easy_image_cropper
copied to clipboard

Usage #
Step 1: Create the Cropping UI
Use the ImgCrop component to create the cropping UI. The size of the UI is determined by its parent container.
child: ImgCrop(
key: cropKey,
chipShape: ChipShape.circle,
maximumScale: 1,
image: FileImage(File(img.path)),
copied to clipboard
Note that cropKey must be a GlobalKey
step2: Get the Cropped Image #
final crop = cropKey.currentState;
final croppedFile = await crop.cropCompleted(File(img.path), pictureQuality: 900);
copied to clipboard
pictureQuality represents the Size of the cropped image.
Future #

support web platform


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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