
Creator: coderz1093

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easy web view2

easy_web_view2 #
Easy Web Views in Flutter on Web and Mobile!
This is an updated version from Rody Davis: https://github.com/rodydavis/easy_web_view

Supports HTML Content or a Single Element
Supports Markdown Source
Supports convert to Flutter widgets
Supports remote download of url
Markdown -> Html
Html -> Markdown
Supports change in url
Selectable Text
Supports multiple views on the same screen if you provide a unique key

Online Demo: https://rodydavis.github.io/easy_web_view
Getting Started #
Setup iOS Info.plist
copied to clipboard
For Loading a new url or changing width/height just call setState!
src: src,
isHtml: false, // Use Html syntax
isMarkdown: false, // Use markdown syntax
convertToWidgets: false, // Try to convert to flutter widgets
// width: 100,
// height: 100,
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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