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editable model form
Make a simple form that can switch between editable and not editable mode from a simple class model.
Features #
Show a form that can be editable or not editable from a simple class model.
Act on result of the submitting the form.
No need to write a lot of code to make a simple form.
Usage #
Create a model class that extends from EditableModel.
class ForgetPasswordFormModel extends EditableModel<ForgetPasswordFormModel> {
final String email;
ForgetPasswordFormModel.fromJson(Map<String, Object?>? json)
: this(
email: json.getValueOr(
name: 'email',
defaultValue: "",
ForgetPasswordFormModel fromEditJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
List<FormViewType> getFormViewTypes() {
return [
key: "email",
label: "email:",
icon: const Icon(,
defaultValue: email,
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
return {
'email': email,
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Create the form widget.
title: "Enter your email address",
editableModel: ForgetPasswordFormModel(email: ""),
onSubmit: (result) {
debugPrint("onSubmit called. result:${result.toJson()}");
// Do the process of submitting the form here.
).showInDialog(context: context, title: "Reset Password")
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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