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Either #
Either is a generic class in Dart that represents a value of one of two possible types: L or R. The class is useful when you want to return a value that can either be of type L or of type R, but not both.
This class is inspired by the Either data type in functional programming and provides a way to handle errors and exceptions in a more expressive and concise way.
Installation #
To use Either in your Flutter or Dart project, follow these steps:

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:

either: ^1.0.4
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Install the package by running flutter pub get in your terminal.

Usage #
Either #
To create an instance of Either, you can use the left or right methods. The left method takes a value of type L as a parameter and returns an instance of Either with L set to the provided value and R set to null. The right method takes a value of type R as a parameter and returns an instance of Either with R set to the provided value and L set to null.
final myEither = left<String, int>('hello');
final myOtherEither = right<String, int>(42);

Either<String, int> foo() {
return left('hello');

Either<String, int> bar() {
return right(42);
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You can then use the fold method to get the value of either the left or right property, depending on which one is set.
final myEither = right<String, int>(45);

final String result = myEither.fold(
(error) => 'Error: $error',
(value) => 'Value: $value',

print(result); // Output: Value: 45
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You can also use the leftOrNull and rightOrNull methods to get the value of either the left or right property, but return null if the corresponding property is not set.
final either1 = left<int, String>(42);
final either2 = right<int, String>('hello');
either1.leftOrNull(); // returns 42
either2.leftOrNull(); // returns null
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Unit #
The Unit class represents the void type in Dart, which is used to indicate that a function does not return a value. While Dart does not have a separate void type, Unit provides a way to represent void as a value. This is especially useful when defining generic functions or classes that take a parameter of type void. You can use Unit in conjunction with the Either class to handle cases where a function may return a value or fail and return an error.
import 'package:eitherx/eitherx.dart';

// Define a function that simulates an API call and returns an Either
Either<String, Unit> fetchData() {
// Simulate a successful API call
int statusCode = 200;

if (statusCode == 200) {
// If the status code is 200, return Unit to represent success
return right(unit);
} else {
// Otherwise, return a failure message
return left('Error: Failed to fetch data');

void main() {
// Call the fetchData function and handle the Either result
(failure) => print(failure),
(unit) => print('Data fetched successfully'),

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Author #
This either package is authored by Hasan M. Hallak and can be found on GitHub.


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