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embedded serialport

embedded_serialport #
embedded_serialport is a Flutter package for serial port communication, it uses Dart FFI (Foreign Function Interface) to interact with Rust and C shareable libraries. This package provides a simple API to list available serial ports and perform read/write operations. Check out this article and the example demo.
Platform Support #


Features #

List available serial ports
Open and configure serial ports
Read from and write to serial ports
Set timeouts for serial communication

Installation #
To install embedded_serialport, use flutter pub add:
Flutter #
flutter pub add embedded_serialport
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Dependencies #
For GNU/Linux pkg-config headers are required:

Ubuntu: sudo apt install pkg-config
Fedora: sudo dnf install pkgconf-pkg-config

For other distros they may provide pkg-config through the pkgconf package instead.
For GNU/Linux libudev headers are required as well (unless you disable the default libudev feature):

Ubuntu: sudo apt install libudev-dev
Fedora: sudo dnf install systemd-devel

Check for Permissions: #

Linux: Ensure your user is part of the dialout group or equivalent.
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
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Then log out and log back in.

Without setting your user to be part of the dialout, you will receive this error: SerialErrorCode.serialErrorOpen
NB: Prepare Linux apps for distribution #
To build flutter applciation as release run the following command:
flutter build linux --release
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After that, go to build/linux/release/bundle/ and run the application using the following command:
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"By runnung the application in the directory, a file will be automatically copied to lib folder with the following directory src/rust_native/librust_serialport.so. This file is responsible for this library to work in your application."
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:embedded_serialport/embedded_serialport.dart';
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Example 1: Listing Available Serial Ports #
import 'package:embedded_serialport/embedded_serialport.dart';

void main() {
List<String> ports = Serial.getPorts();
// print(ports.where((x) => x.endsWith("USB0")));
for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {

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Example 2: Communicating with a Serial Device #
import 'package:embedded_serialport/embedded_serialport.dart';

void main() {
List<String> ports = Serial.getPorts();
// print(ports);

// '/dev/ttyUSB0'
var s = Serial(ports.first, Baudrate.b115200);

try {
var event = s.read(20);
var eventt = s.read(20);
} finally {

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Static Methods #

List<String> getPorts()

Returns a list of available serial ports.

Constructor #

Serial(String port, Baudrate baudrate)

Creates a new instance of Serial for the specified port and baud rate.

Methods #

void timeout(int seconds)

Sets a timeout for read/write operations.

void writeString(String data)

Writes a string to the serial port.

Uint8List read(int length)

Reads a specified number of bytes from the serial port.

void dispose()

Closes the serial port and releases resources.

Baudrate #
Enumeration of common baud rates:

And more...

Author #
Zacchaeus Oluwole #
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zacchaeus-oluwole/
X: https://x.com/ZTechPlus
Email: zacchaeusoluwole@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/Zacchaeus-Oluwole
Credit #
Peter Sauer https://flutterdev.at/dart_periphery/ #


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