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emoji dialog picker

Emoji Dialog Picker #
Emoji dialog picker makes it easy to select emojis from any platform.
Content #

Community Support

Installation #
Add Emoji Dialog Picker to your pubspec.yaml
emoji_dialog_picker: ^1.0.0
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Usage #
Import the Package #
import 'package:emoji_dialog_picker/emoji_dialog_picker.dart';
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Example #
emojiPickerView: EmojiPickerView(onEmojiSelected: (String emoji) {
print('Emoji selected: $emoji');
child: const Text('Click Me'),
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Parameters #
EmojiButton #

emojiPickerView - The EmojiPickerView to display in a dialog when the button is tapped.


child - The child widget to display in the button
padding - The padding of the button
minWidth - The minimum width of the EmojiPickerView dialog
maxWidth - The maximum width of the EmojiPickerView dialog
shape - The shape of the EmojiPickerView dialog
barrierDismissible - If true, the dialog can be dismissed by tapping outside of it

EmojiPickerView #

onEmojiSelected - Triggers when an emoji is selected.


height - Height of EmojiPickerView
width - Width of EmojiPickerView
decoration - Decoration of EmojiPickerView
backgroundColor - Background color of EmojiPickerView
scrollBehavior - Describes how the CustomScrollView and ListView should behave
header - Widget to display on the header
hintText - The hint text to display in the search bar.
searchBarColor - The background color of the search bar.
searchIconColor - The color of the search icon
searchShapeBorder - The ShapeBorder of the search bar.
textStyle - The text style of the search bar.
hintStyle - The text style of the hint text.
activeColor - The color of the EmojiType icon when selected
inactiveColor - The color of EmojiType icon when not selected

Community Support #
If you have any suggestions or issues, feel free to open an issue.
If you would like to contribute, feel free to create a PR.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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