
Creator: coderz1093

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esp smartconfig

Dart implementation of EspTouch provisioner. Supports Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and macOS.
Implemented protocols #

EspTouch V2

Supported platforms #
All non-web platforms are supported. Web platform is not supported mainly because browsers does not allow UDP communication.

If you are going to use this library on Desktop platforms make sure that UDP port 18266 is open in firewall for incoming data.

Breaking Change iOS 14.6/16
The breaking change was implemented with 14.6. However, it seems to be the case that the mentioned problem only occurs on devices with iOS version 16. It results in the fact that no connection to the ESP can be established.
How to:

You need an Apple-Developer account
After the Dev-Account has been approved, you have to make a request via this form to be allowed to use the Multicast Api.
Then you can follow this guide (new process)

Demo videos #

Console App
Flutter Mobile App

Example #
Several examples of using this library are available in example folder.
import 'package:esp_smartconfig/esp_smartconfig.dart';

final provisioner = Provisioner.espTouch();

provisioner.listen((response) {
print("Device ${response.bssidText} connected to WiFi!");

try {
await provisioner.start(ProvisioningRequest.fromStrings(
bssid: "ROUTER BSSID", // Optional

// If you are going to use this library in Flutter
// this is good place to show some Dialog and wait for exit
// Or simply you can delay with Future.delayed function
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));
} catch (e, s) {

// Provisioning does not have any timeout so it needs to be
// stopped manually
copied to clipboard
SmartConfig #
The SmartConfigTM is a provisioning technology to connect a new Wi-Fi device to a Wi-Fi network.
The advantage of this technology is that the device does not need to directly know SSID or password of an Access Point (AP). Those information is provided using this library. This is particularly important to headless device and systems, due to their lack of a user interface.
Author #
GitHub: abobija
License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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