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eventstore client
A community developed gRPC client library for EventStoreDB.
EventStoreDB is an open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing
capabilities. Documentation for EventStoreDB can be found here.
This package is still in active development and not yet reached a stable version.
You should expect breaking changes that will require refactoring both code and behaviors
of code depending on this package. When stable 1.0.0 is released, we pledge to keep the
package backwards compatible within each major version.
Getting started #
Create a cluster in EventStore Cloud (or deploy your own)
Create an appropriate connection string
Create an instance of EventStoreStreamsClient with given connection string
A simple usage example of reading from a self-hosted single-node:
import 'package:eventstore_client/eventstore_client.dart';
void main() async {
// Create a client instance
final client = EventStoreStreamsClient(
// Fetch all events in EventStore
final result = await client.readFromAll(
forward: true,
resolveLinks: true,
position: LogPosition.start,
// Only print if read was successful
if (result.isOK) {
await for (var event in {
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Usage and documentation #
This client is not yet properly documented, but we have made some example usages,
and published the API reference.
For additional documentation about general usage, see the
official documentation for gRPC clients
Note on gRPC-web support #
EventStoreDB does not support the
gRPC-web protocol
directly (in-process proxy).
The EventStore team could add in-process proxy support using Grpc.AspNetCore.Web,
but I doubt they will prioritize this because gRCP-web have limited streaming support (details below).
If you plan to connect directly to EventStoreDB from a browser, you need to configure a gRCP-web proxy in
front of EventStoreDB, that translates between native gRPC
and gRPC-web protocols automatically (see official Google implementation of grpc-web).
gRPC-web have limited streaming support.
Especially bidirectional streams (both RPC requests and responses are sent and received using streams) which
EventStoreDB use for Append-operations, are not supported by the gRPC-web protocol. The following
EventStore commands are not supported in the browser as a consequence of these limitations:
// persistent.proto
service PersistentSubscriptions {
// Client streaming of requests is not supported by grpc-web
rpc Read (stream ReadReq) returns (stream ReadResp);
// streams.proto
service Streams {
// Client streaming of requests is not supported by grpc-web
rpc Append (stream AppendReq) returns (AppendResp);
// Client streaming of requests is not supported by grpc-web
rpc BatchAppend (stream BatchAppendReq) returns (stream BatchAppendResp);
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When browser-support
for Streams is high enough (see global coverage),
the gRCP-web protocol will become optional and web clients will also be able to use the native gRPC protocol.
Choices if you need web-support
You have two principally different options to choose from when connecting to EventStoreDB from a browser with
EventStore client.
If you only need to read events, then one of these options is sufficient
use Envoy as bridge between gprc-web and native grpc protocols (official Google solution)
implement an in-process proxy
in EventStoreDB yourself
If you also need to support appending events from the browser, then you need to make a custom gRPC server between
the gRCP-web proxy (Envoy or in-process) and EventStoreDB. This custom gRPC server must translate the bi-directional
Append command exposed by EventStoreDB to a command exposed by the custom gRCP server that is supported by the
gRPC-web protocol. You could do this by implementing an Append command with an unary request (all events in one
request) that returns a stream of responses (same as the Append command exposed by EventStoreDB does).
This command is supported by gRCP-web and should work (in theory, I have not tested it myself).
My advice
If you need Append-support from the browser, I think the better solution is to wait for the official support
of native gRPC that
use Streams. I don't know when this will happen, but
the global coverage is already high. See the
roadmap for full streaming support
for official information about web-support.
Multi-platform coding tips #
When working with Dart code that only runs on specific platforms, you need organize the
code such that it only loads on these platforms. You can do this by organizing platform
specific code in files that are conditionally imported and exported.
See constants.dart for a simple example and
client.dart for a more complicated one. Both operate using
the following principle:
// my_library.dart
// Conditional usage based on dart:html support
// NOTE: Conditional could be any other core dart feature
// IMPORTANT! The actual code in each library must have the
// same contract for this to work. E.g same constant, field,
// function, class or mixin name that this file uses.
import 'dep_io.dart' if(dart.library.html) 'dep_web.dart';
// Conditional export of elements in dep_io.dart and dep_web.dart
// NOTE: This is only needed if consumers of my_library need to
// use any elements in dep_io.dart and dep_web.dart
// (invoke, create instance, subclass or override).
export 'dep_io.dart' if(dart.library.html) 'dep_web.dart';
// Some code that depends on 'Dep' class with same public
// interface in both dep_io.dart and dep_web.dart
class MyLibrary extends Dep{}
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We have used this method to conditionally set
the MAX constant to safe maximum values (2^53-1 for js, 2^64-1 for all others)
set EventStoreClientBase.isGrpcWeb - used to gracefully fail unsupported operations
add guards that prevents use of EventStore commands that is unsupported on web
Features and bugs #
This package is in active development and breaking changes should still be expected. It currently
supports the following EventStoreDB client APIs:
✅ Streams API
✅ Projections Management API
✅ Persistent Subscriptions Management API
✅ Gossip API (open source version of EventstoreDB)
✅ User Management API
✅ Operations API
✅ Monitoring API (statistics only from v21.x)
We are working on the following APIs:
⏱ Elections API
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Community #
There is a community discussion space at Event Store Discuss.
If you prefer Discord, there is also an #event-store-db
channel. Click to join the community and start asking questions. The maintainers of this community
developed client will do their best to answer any questions in both these channels.
Contributing #
Development is done on the master branch. As for the official clients, we also
attempt to do our best to ensure that the history remains clean and to do so, we generally
ask contributors to squash their commits into a set or single logical commit.
For additional information about contributing, see
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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