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Excel to ARB Generator #
A Dart package that enables you to convert Excel files into ARB (Application Resource Bundle) files for localization.
Installation #
To activate the package, run the following command:
dart pub global activate excel2arb
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Once the package is activated, you can use the excel2arb command to convert Excel files to ARB files. Here's how:
excel2arb -u <excel-file-url> -s <sheet-name-to-parse> -o <path-to-arb-output-directory> -g <generate-l10n>
copied to clipboard

You can directly run a script from an activated package from the command line. If you are unable to run the script directly, you can also use dart pub global run.

dart pub global run excel2arb -u <excel-file-url> -s <sheet-name-to-parse> -o <path-to-arb-output-directory> -g <generate-l10n>
copied to clipboard

-u, --excel-url :               The URL of the Excel file to convert (e.g., https://example.com/sample.xlsx)
-s, --sheet-name :          The name of the sheet to parse (default: Localization)
-o, --output-directory :    The path to the directory where the ARB files will be generated (default: current directory)
-g, --gen-l10n :               Generate l10n files (default: false)

Example #
excel2arb -u https://example.com/sample.xlsx -s Localization -o output_dir -g true
copied to clipboard
Excel Sheet Format #
The supported Excel sheet format should have the following columns in the first row:

Feature (Optional)
Screen (Optional)
Name [name]
Description [description]
Remark (Optional)
Add localization columns using the local code in curly brackets,e.g., English {en}, Myanmar {my}, Thai {th}
Placeholders [placeholders] in Json format (Optional)

Make sure to use square brackets like [name] for keys and curly brackets like {en} for locale identifiers in your Excel sheet.
You can download and check the sample Excel sheet here.

Name [name]
Description [description]
English {en}
Myanmar {my}
Thai {th}
Placeholders [placeholders]

Onboarding Title
new line in some language
Select languageto continue


Sign In

Formatted depth value

Depth {value} {unit}
အနက် {value} {unit}

{ "value": { "type": "double", "format": "decimalPattern", "optionalParameters": { "decimalDigits": 2 } }, "unit": { "type": "String" } }

Features #

Download Excel files from URLs
Generate ARB files for localization
Supports custom sheet names
Generates l10n files

Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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