
Creator: coderz1093

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fetch api

Fetch API #

This package provides WASM-ready Dart bindings to JavaScript
Fetch API.
Features #

Full fetch options / request parameters coverage
Cancel requests via AbortController.
Read response

As text (String)
As Blob
As Stream of Uint8List

Response streaming
Request streaming (check compatibility)
Get access to redirect status
Support non-200 responses

Some notes about fetch and Request #
fetch and Request have same options but different semantics, e.g. fetch's
default mode is no-cors while Request's cors. Therefore options objects
for fetch function and Request constructor made as different extension
types, although they are interchangeable and both inherited from RequestInit.
For more info about that read MDN docs.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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