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file storage
This is a simple cross-platform package to operate files in available on a certain platform destinations. Uses idb_shim under the web platform.
Features #
Provides with destinations of
Application's files,
Cache files.
Recursive creation of folders inside supported destinations.
Checking existence of a certain file by its path.
Loading and saving of
binary data (List<int>),
text (utf8-encoded),
json objects and arrays.
Saving stream of data (List<int>).
Usage #
final fileStorage = FileStorage();
final documentsPath = await fileStorage.getDocumentsPath();
final filePath = '$documentsPath/my_folder/my_file.txt';
await fileStorage.ensurePathExists(fileName);
await fileStorage.saveText(fileName, 'My text');
final savedText = await fileStorage.loadText(fileName);
print('Saved text is: $savedText');
final bytes1 = Uint8List.fromList([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
final bytes2 = Uint8List.fromList([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
await fileStorage.saveStream(fileName, Stream.fromIterable([
bytes1, bytes2
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