
Creator: coderz1093

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fimber io

fimber_io #
Extensible logging for Flutter. Dart::IO version with File loggers.
Package is based on famous Android logging library API - Timber, this is library for simplify logging for Flutter.
Using similar (as far as Dart lang allows) method API with same concepts for tree and planting logging tree.
Also check out flutter_fimber which extends fimber to platform specific output and logging style.
Getting Started #
To start add using it:
Add fimber_io to pubspec.yaml #
fimber_io: ^0.7.0
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remember about import in file you plan to use Fimber

import 'package:fimber_io/fimber_io.dart';

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Initialize logging tree on start of your application #

void main() {
// app code here ...

// DebugTree options for time elapsed
// by default DebugTree will output timestamp of the VM/Flutter app
// to enable elapsed time since planting the tree log


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Start using it with static methods: #
import 'fimber.dart';

void main() {
var parameter = 343.0;
// use directly
Fimber.i("Test message $argument");
Fimber.i("Extra error message", ex: Exception("Test thorwable"));

// other log levels

try {
throw Exception("Exception thrown");
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
// providing `stacktrace` will better show where issue was thrown
// if not provided will use log line location.
Fimber.i("Error caught.", ex: e, stacktrace: stacktrace);

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This will log the value and grab a TAG from stacktrace - that is little costly and if more logs will be done per second.
Colorize logs - ColorizeStyle #
useColors property set to true will use default colors of the logos, you can change the mapping with in colorizeMap for DebugTree and CustomFormatTree
The useColors by default is disabled.
ColorizeStyle Aggregates list of AnsiStyle so you can combine styles together.
AnsiStyle is combination of AnsiColor and AnsiSelection values
Here is output of test output.

Create tagged version of Fimber #
And use its instance inside class, you can create logger for a dart file or for a class.
var logger = FimberLog("MY_TAG");

void main() {

logger.d("Test message");

// or inside a class
class SomeBloc {
var logger = FimberLog("SomeBloc");
String fetchMessage() {
logger.d("About to fetch some data.");
var data = "load something";

logger.d("Retrived data (len = ${data.length}");
return data;
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Use block function and pass method that uses logger. #
Use this function to log multiple messages with same tag, allows optional return value.
Due to nature of auto-tag generation from stacktrace this block only does it once and create local FimberLog instance to pass into the anonymous method.
var someMessage = "Test message from inside of block";
var output = Fimber.block((log) {
log.d("Started block");
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
log.d("$someMessage, value: $i");
log.i("End of block");
return i;
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Custom line formatters #
Use custom line formatters to define your logging format.
logFormat: "${CustomFormatTree.TIME_ELAPSED_TOKEN} ${CustomFormatTree
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Use file log tree - the logs will go to a log file (Useful in DartVM apps).
There are log rolling with size and time/date interval, so it is possible to setup log output per hour/day or any other time.
see: SizeRollingFileTree or TimedRollingFileTree or use abstract class RollingFileTree to create your own version of rolling log file.
TODO - road map #

See Issues on Github
Add Crashlytics plugin (maybe other remote logger tools) with flutter_crashlytics

Licence #

Copyright 2018 Mateusz Perlak

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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