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flutter cache strategy
flutter_cache_strategy #
A package to implement a complete caching strategy to handle the display of data for your users.
Requirements 🖇️ #
Dart sdk: ">=2.17.6 <3.0.0"
Flutter: ">=3.3.8"
Usage ⚒️ #
You can refer to the example folder to know how to implement the
First you need to inject the CacheStrategyPackage() (it's a Singleton)
Then, you can call execute() method and inject the parameters required depending on the strategy choosen (boxeName,async, serializer...)
You can use one of these 4 differents strategies :
AsyncOrCacheStrategy which will first trigger a remote call to retrieve the data and store it in the device's cache. If the call generates an error at any point, the data in the cache will be retrieved.
CacheOrAsyncStrategy works in reverse to the above strategy, looking for cached data first and if null is returned then a remote call is triggered.
JustAsyncStrategy will only trigger a remote call to retrieve data.
JustCacheStrategy will only fetch cached data.
final _provider = FetchDataImpl();
final _package = CacheStrategyPackage();
final List<MealDto>? frenchFood = await _package
keyCache: "frenchFood",
boxeName: "EuropeanBoxe",
serializer: (data) => MealDto.fromData(data),
async: _provider.getFrenchFood(),
strategy: AsyncOrCacheStrategy(),
isEncrypted: true,
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
throw error ?? Error();
copied to clipboard
I advise to implement the package in your repository. Its role is to convert the dto into an entity, so handling data caching here seems relevant.
And that's all !
Example 📱 #
When it's set on AsyncOrCacheStrategy :
Now turn off the internet and pull down to refresh the lists, you'll still see the meals :
Now click on Remove French food from cache :
You can see now that the French food has been removed from the cache but the Italian food is still there.
Now if you click on Remove European food from cache :
There are no more European meals since this box has been cleaned of the cache but the Indian meals are still present as they are stored in a different box.
Articles / Resources 📚 #
This package is the completion of that article I wrote.
Pull requests ⬇️ #
Pull requests are welcome, I'm a beginner so don't hesitate if you see any corrections.
Additional information #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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