
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter color picker wheel

Flutter Color Picker Wheel #

Flutter Color Picker Wheel is an easy to use widget which can be heavily customized.

You can use the WheelColorPicker directly by providing list of colors you want to include and animation configs.
You can use the WheelColorPickerEntryContent and manage OverlayEntry yourself.
This library provides some presets which make it even easier to use this component.

How to use #
Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_color_picker_wheel: ^0.0.1
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Showcase #

Fan Default Preset
Fan Simple Preset
Sun Ray Default

Sun Ray Simple
Detached Full Screen without Gap
Detached Full Screen with Gap

Custom Color Set
Custom Animation
Manage Your Own OverlayEntry

Example Code #
you can find more examples in the example path of this repository
Simple Usecase #

import 'package:flutter_color_picker_wheel/flutter_color_picker_wheel.dart';

Color color; /// you want to initialize this color in the initState method

Widget myButton = WheelColorPicker(
onSelect: (Color newColor) {
setState(() {
color = newColor;
/// long press to open, another behaviour is clickToOpen to open
behaviour: ButtonBehaviour.longPressToOpen,
/// inital color
defaultColor: color,
/// fanLikeAnimationConfig is a preset, you can import this from the package
animationConfig: fanLikeAnimationConfig,
/// simpleColors is a preset, you can import this from the package
colorList: simpleColors,
/// size of the clickable button in the middle
buttonSize: 40,
/// height of each piece (outerRadius - innerRadius of a piece)
pieceHeight: 25,
/// starting radius of the donut shaped wheel
innerRadius: 80,
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Custom Color Set

onSelect: (Color newColor) {
setState(() {
color = newColor;
defaultColor: color,
animationConfig: fanLikeAnimationConfig,
colorList: const [
[Colors.red, Colors.redAccent, Colors.deepOrange],
[Colors.black26, Colors.black45, Colors.black87],
[Colors.blue, Colors.blueAccent, Colors.blueGrey],
[Colors.deepPurpleAccent, Colors.purpleAccent],
buttonSize: 40,
pieceHeight: 15,
innerRadius: 80,
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Custom Animation #

onSelect: (Color newColor) {
setState(() {
color = newColor;
behaviour: ButtonBehaviour.clickToOpen,
defaultColor: color,
animationConfig: const FanAnimationConfig(
animationDurationInMillisecond: 1000,
rayAnimationConfig: RayAnimationConfig(
curve: Curves.easeInQuad,
enabled: false,
scaleAnimationConfig: ScaleAnimationConfig(
curve: Curves.easeInOutCubic,
enabled: true,
animationStartDelay: 0,
animationFinishDelay: 0.2,
opacityAnimationConfig: OpacityAnimationConfig(
curve: Curves.linear,
enabled: true,
animationStartDelay: 0.2,
animationFinishDelay: 0,
rotationAnimationConfig: RotationAnimationConfig(
curve: Curves.easeInQuad,
enabled: true,
animationFinishDelay: 0.4
colorList: defaultAvailableColors,
buttonSize: 40,
pieceHeight: 25,
innerRadius: 80,
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Using WheelColorPickerEntryContent #

Note: This use case is a bit complicated.
If you decided to go this route there are several core ideas that you need to wrap your head around.

WheelOverlayEntryContent should be generated only ONCE but not generated each build. You can have a new OverlayEntry, but you only need one WheelOverlayEntryContent. This helps us to have a decent performance.
To stick the WheelOverlayEntryContent to some component, you want to use LayerLink.
See WheelColorPicker as an example
You need to provide AnimationController to the Widget, thus you want to extend some ticker provider, eg. SingleTickerProviderStateMixin

class ExampleUseOverlayOnlyState extends State<ExampleUseOverlayOnly> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
Color color = Colors.redAccent;
late Widget overlayContent;
late AnimationController controller;
OverlayEntry? _overlayEntry;
bool isOpen = false;

void dispose() {
if (_overlayEntry != null) {
_overlayEntry = null;

void _showOverlay() async {
if (!isOpen) {
isOpen = true;
OverlayState? overlayState = Overlay.of(context);
_overlayEntry = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) => overlayContent);

void _hideOverlay() async {
if (isOpen) {
isOpen = false;
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)).then((_) {
if (_overlayEntry != null) {
_overlayEntry = null;

void initState() {
controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration:Duration(milliseconds: 500));
overlayContent = WheelOverlayEntryContent(
animationController: controller,
animationConfig: sunRayLikeAnimationConfig,
colors: simpleColors,
innerRadius: 200,
pieceHeight: 20,
pieceBorderSize: 5,
hideOverlay: _hideOverlay,
onSelect: (Color selectedColor) {
setState(() {
color = selectedColor;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(150),
child: Column(
child: Container(
height: 500,
width: 500,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(45),
border: Border.all(
width: 15,
color: color
const Expanded(flex:2, child: SizedBox()),
child: MaterialButton(
color: Colors.blueAccent,
textColor: Colors.white,
child: const Text("Click to Open"),
onPressed: _showOverlay,
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