
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter color utils

Introduction #
Color Utils is an useful package for play with colors.
Features #

Mix multiple colors
Match percentage of two colors
Generate color from hex string
Color cooker [ get a colour palette list using the base colours list for the target colour ]

Getting started #

Install dependencies

url: https://github.com/shawon1fb/color_utils.git
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Import dependencies

import 'package:color_utils/flutter_color_utils.dart';
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Usage #
Useful examples for color_utils users. more examples
to /test folder.
1. Multi colors mixer #

Color red = const Color(0xFF890041);
Color yellow = const Color(0xffFFCE51);
Color blue = const Color(0xff00224C);

List<Color> spicyMixerList = [yellow, red, blue];
Color mix = ColorUtils.mixColors(spicyMixerList);

Color spicyMixColor = const Color(0xff83504A);

print(spicyMixColor == mix );/// true

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2. HexColor String to Color #

Color red = const Color(0xFF890041);
Color redHexColor = HexColor('#890041');
print(red == redHexColor);///true

print(redHexColor == red);///true
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3. Match percentage of two colors #

Color spicyMixColor = const Color(0xff83504A);
Color pelorousColor = const Color(0xff44AABB);

double match = spicyMixColor.match(pelorousColor);
double expected = 64.31;
print(((match - expected) <0.02));///true
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4. Color cooker #
Color spicyMixColor = const Color(0xff83504A);
List<Color> baseColorList = [
const Color(0xFF890041),
const Color(0xffFFCE51),
const Color(0xff00224C),
const Color(0xffFFFFFF),
const Color(0xff21211A),
ColorRecipe colorReversed =
ColorRecipe(baseColorsList: baseColorList, targetColor: spicyMixColor);
print(colorReversed.globalMaxMatch==100.0); /// true
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Additional information #
Reference #



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