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flutter common utilities

# Flutter Common Utilities

"A Flutter utility package providing essential tools for responsive and adaptive UI development in Flutter applications."

## Features

- Responsive utility for different screen sizes and orientations.
- Customizable breakpoints for mobile, tablet, and desktop views.
- Animated transitions between different layouts.
- `FlutterCommonStepper` widget for displaying step-by-step progress in a user-friendly manner.
- `ResponsiveGridView` widget for adaptive grid layouts based on screen size.

## Getting Started

To use this package, add `flutter_common_utilities` as a dependency in your `pubspec.yaml` file.

flutter_common_utilities: ^latest_version
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For help getting started with Flutter, view the online
Usage #
ResponsiveUtil #
The ResponsiveUtil widget helps you create different layouts for various screen sizes and orientations, including mobile, tablet, and desktop views. It supports smooth transitions between these layouts.
FlutterCommonStepper #
The FlutterCommonStepper widget allows you to display a step-by-step progress indicator. It supports customization for step colors, line width, and navigation between steps.
ResponsiveGridView #
The ResponsiveGridView widget adapts the number of columns in a grid layout based on the screen size. It provides a responsive grid layout suitable for different device sizes.
Example #
An example project demonstrating how to use the ResponsiveUtil, FlutterCommonStepper, and ResponsiveGridView widgets can be found in the example directory of the package.
To run the example, navigate to the example directory and use the following command:
flutter run
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The example showcases how to use the ResponsiveUtil widget for responsive layouts.
It also demonstrates the FlutterCommonStepper widget for step-by-step progress indicators.
The ResponsiveGridView widget is included to show adaptive grid layouts based on screen size.

Additional Information #
Visit the GitHub repository for more information. Feel free to file issues or contribute to the package.

### Key Updates:
- Added `ResponsiveGridView` to the list of features.
- Expanded the usage section to include `ResponsiveGridView`.
- Updated the example section to mention all three widgets: `ResponsiveUtil`, `FlutterCommonStepper`, and `ResponsiveGridView`.
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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