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flutter credo

flutter-credo-sdk #
Credo SDK Flutter #
This library allows for the easy integration of [Credo] into your Flutter application. It shoulders the burden of PCI compliance by sending credit card details directly to Credo's servers rather than to your server.
Flow Summary #

Collect user's card details, email and phone number.

Initialize the CredoPlugin by creating an object of the CredoPlugin class with two named parameters passed to the constructor.

The first argument is the public key of the merchant
The second argument is the secret key of the merchant.
Both public and secret keys are provided by Credo to the merchants.
Prompts backend to initialize transactions by calling the initialPayment method.
Credo's backend returns a payment slug which is returned when Initiate Payment endpoint is called
App provides the payment slug and card details to our SDK's using the pay and verifyCardNumber methods

Once request is successful, ThirdPartyPaymentResponse is return.

Installation #

To start using this package, simply add the following to project pubspec.yaml

flutter_credo: <lastes-version>
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Usage #
1. Permissions #
To use this package, your android app must declare internet permission. Add the following code to the application level of your AndroidManifest.xml.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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2. Initializing SDK #
To use [Credo] SDK, you need to first initialize it by using the `CredoPlugin` class.
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CredoPlugin credoPlugin = CredoPlugin(
publicKey: 'public_key',
secretKey: 'secret_key',

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Ensure to perform this instantiation in the initState method of your Widget.
CredoPlugin credoPlugin;

void initState() {
credoPlugin = CredoPlugin(
publicKey: 'pk_demo-cKwtbsYaPNjgZZIFfznnZJGP49plbw.ujlZ0XcwAD-d',
secretKey: 'sk_demo-dQJJE9tFlunJv9jjZmJ49nyhqXKrbA.CchUPg1aqj-d',

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3. Initiate Payment #
Payment transaction can be initiated with the initialPayment method:
Parameters #

amount The amount to be transacted.
currency The currency to be transacted in.
redirectUrl The url to redirect to after transaction.
transRef [optional] The transaction reference for the payment
paymentOptions option can be "CARD" or "USSD" or "BANK"
customerName Name of the customer
customerEmail Email address of the customer
customerPhone Phone number of the customer
If the method call is success a InitPaymentResponse is returned from the Future else it throws a CredoException with an error message.

InitPaymentResponse initPaymentRes = await credoPlugin.initialPayment(
amount: 100.0,
currency: 'NGN',
customerEmail: '[email protected]',
customerName: 'Charles Archibong',
customerPhoneNo: '000000000000',
if(e is CredoException){
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5. Make Payment #
After payment initialization, payment is made using the pay method
Parameters #

amount The amount to be transacted.
ordeCurrency The currency to be transacted in.
cardNumber The number of the verified debit card.
expiryMonth The expiry month of the verified card.
expiryYear The expiry Year of the verified card.
securityCode The cvv number of the verified card.
transRef The transaction reference used to during initiate payment stage.
customerEmail Email address of the customer.
customerName Name of the customer.
customerPhone Phone number of the customer.
paymentSlug this is part of the response of initiatePayment method in step 3 above.

ThirdPartyPaymentResponse thirdPartyPaymentResponse = await credoPlugin.pay(
orderCurrency: 'NGN',
cardNumber: '',
expiryMonth: '07',
expiryYear: '23',
securityCode: '027',
transRef: initPaymentRes.transactionRef,
paymentSlug: initPaymentRes.paymentSlug,
orderAmount: 100.00,
customerEmail: '[email protected]',
customerName: 'Charles Archibong',
customerPhoneNo: '09039311559',
} catch(e){
if(e is CredoException){
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After payment, you can call the verifyTransaction which returns VerifyTransactionResponse to verify the payment and confirm all is good.
you can check out the example on this link
Author #

Charles Archibong


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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