
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter 3d obj

flutter_3d_obj #
A flutter package to render wavefront obj files on a canvas.
Usage #
To use this package, add flutter_3d_obj to your pubspec.yaml file.
Then import the package to use it.
Example Usage #
The following example basic usage of package.
child: new Object3D(size:'/size of canvas/',
path:'/path of file/',
asset: true'/set true to load file from assets/'),
copied to clipboard
If SD-card path provided, ensure SD-card permissions are available.
Example #
To run the example.
* git clone https://github.com/hemanthrajv/flutter_3d_obj.git
* cd /path to cloned dir/
* cd example
* flutter run
copied to clipboard

Built With #

Flutter - A framework for building crossplatform mobile applications with native look and feel.

Author #
Hemanth Raj
Getting Started #
For help getting started with Flutter, view online documentation.


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