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flutter distributor
flutter_distributor #
An all-in-one Flutter application packaging and distribution tool, providing you with a one-stop solution to meet various distribution needs.
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Documentation #
The full documentation can be found on
Features #
Makers #
apk - Create a apk package for your app.
aab - Create a aab package for your app.
appimage - Create a AppImage package for your app.
deb - Create a deb package for your app.
dmg - Create a dmg package for your app.
exe - Create a exe package for your app.
ipa - Create a ipa package for your app.
msix - Create a msix package for your app.
pkg - Create a pkg package for your app.
rpm - Create a rpm package for your app.
zip - Create a zip package for your app.
Publishers #
appcenter - Publish your app to appcenter.
appstore - Publish your app to appstore.
fir - Publish your app to fir.
firebase - Publish your app to firebase.
firebase_hosting - Publish your app to firebase_hosting.
github - Publish your app to github release.
pgyer - Publish your app to pgyer.
playstore - Publish your app to playstore.
qiniu - Publish your app to qiniu.
vercel - Publish your app to vercel.
Getting Started #
Installation #
dart pub global activate flutter_distributor
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Usage #
Add distribute_options.yaml to your project root directory.
PGYER_API_KEY: "your api key"
output: dist/
- name: dev
# Build and publish your apk pkg to pgyer
- name: release-dev-android
platform: android
target: apk
target-platform: android-arm,android-arm64
APP_ENV: dev
publish_to: pgyer
# Build and publish your ipa pkg to pgyer
- name: release-dev-ios
platform: ios
target: ipa
export-options-plist: ios/dev_ExportOptions.plist
APP_ENV: dev
publish_to: pgyer
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The build_args are the args supported by the flutter build command, please modify it according to your project.
Release Your App
flutter_distributor release --name dev
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Who's using it? #
Biyi - A convenient translation and dictionary app.
Qianji - A purely bookkeeping app.
Alga - A developer tools app.
Airclap - Send any file to any device. cross platform, ultra fast and easy to use.
Contributors #
Kingkor Roy Tirtho💻
Tomohiro Ueki💻
Sven Gehring💻
Reuben Turner💻
Ankit Mahato📖
Tien Do Nam💻
Mohammed CHAHBOUN💻
Prateek Sunal💻
Add your contributions
License #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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