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flutter dropzone

Dropzone #
A Flutter Web plugin to handle drag-and-drop (files) into Flutter. If you're interested in drag-and-drop inside a Flutter app, check out other packages like dnd.
It exposes a single platform view, DropzoneView:
operation: DragOperation.copy,
cursor: CursorType.grab,
onCreated: (DropzoneViewController ctrl) => controller = ctrl,
onLoaded: () => print('Zone loaded'),
onError: (String? ev) => print('Error: $ev'),
onHover: () => print('Zone hovered'),
onDrop: (dynamic ev) => print('Drop: $ev'),
onDropMultiple: (List<dynamic> ev) => print('Drop multiple: $ev'),
onLeave: () => print('Zone left'),
copied to clipboard
The view itself has no display, it's just the dropzone area. Use a Stack to put it into the background of other widgets that
provide your UI:
children: [
Center(child: Text('Drop files here')),
copied to clipboard
Using the controller #
Because the files returned are HTML File API references with serious limitations, they can't be converted to regular Dart
File objects. They are returned as dynamic objects and the controller has functions to extract information from these objects:

Future<String> getFilename(dynamic htmlFile);
Future<int> getFileSize(dynamic htmlFile);
Future<String> getFileMIME(dynamic htmlFile);
Future<DateTime> getFileLastModified(dynamic htmlFile);
Future<Uint8List> getFileData(dynamic htmlFile);
Stream<List<int>> getFileStream(dynamic htmlFile);

You can't have a permanent link to the file (and no file path, either). If you need to retain the full file data, use getFileData()
to get the actual contents and store it yourself into localStorage, IndexedDB, uploading to your server, whatever.
You can get a temporary URL using:

Future<String> createFileUrl(dynamic htmlFile);
Future<bool> releaseFileUrl(String fileUrl);

but this will only be valid for the session. It's a regular URL, so you can use it to display the image the same way like loading
from a regular web URL. Release it when you're done with the image.
There is a convenience function, pickFiles() on the controller returned by the view. It simply opens the usual File Open dialog
in the browser and lets the user pick some files. It has nothing to do with the drag-and-drop operation (although it is the other
possible way to select files) but by putting it into the web side of a federated plugin we can make sure it doesn't hurt the
compilation on other platforms.

Future<List<dynamic>> pickFiles(bool multiple, List<String> mime);

Using it in cross-platform apps #
It's a federated plugin, meaning that it will compile in cross platform apps that contain both Android/iOS and Web code.
It will not function on the former, the view will simply return an error text instead of a drop zone. Use if (kIsWeb) from
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' to only use it in Flutter Web. Still, the same app will still compile to
Android and iOS, without the usual dart:html errors (this is what federated plugins are for).
Breaking changes #
4.0.0 is a breaking change because Flutter is actively working on the underlying web support and we're trying to follow suit.
See: https://github.com/deakjahn/flutter_dropzone/issues/78
3.0.0 had to be a breaking change because a bug I reported earlier was fixed in Flutter 2.5 stable: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/56181
Previously, as a workaround, the plugin had its own modified version of HtmlElementView but with the fix, it's no longer necessary. However, leaving it out would break
the functioning of the plugin for people how haven't yet moved on to 2.5. You have to stay with the latest 2.0.x version of flutter_dropzone if you're not yet ready to upgrade
your Flutter for any reason.


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