
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter heat map

Heat Map #
Customizable heat map interface library #

The flutter_heat_map simplifies the generation of heat maps.
From a base image, it is necessary to pass the coordinates of the events and the library returns the image with the heat map
This package is inspired by round_spot

Usage #
Import the package:
import 'package:flutter_heat_map/flutter_heat_map.dart';
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Create a HeatMapPage:
HeatMapPage data = await getHeatMapPage();
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Process the data using HeatMap.process(data):
Uint8List? bytes = await HeatMap.process(data);
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Display the data on screen using Image.memory(bytes):
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Example #
See sample application
Example of how to create HeatMapPage:
Future<HeatMapPage?> getHeatMapPage(String page) async {
ImageProvider? provider = await dataSource.getImageProviderPerPage(page);
if (provider == null) return null;
ui.Image? image = await HeatMap.imageProviderToUiImage(provider);

List<HeatMapEvent> events = await dataSource.getEventsPerPage(page);

return HeatMapPage(image: image, events: events);

Future<ImageProvider?> getImageProviderPerPage(String page) async {
switch (page) {
case "first_page":
return const AssetImage(first_page);
case "second_page":
return const AssetImage(second_page);
case "generate_heatmap_page":
return const AssetImage(generate_heatmap_page);
return null;

//View te session "Coordinates (Offset)"
Future<List<HeatMapEvent>> getEventsPerPage(String page) async {
switch (page) {
case "first_page":
return [
..._generateEvents(1, const Offset(510, 340)),
..._generateEvents(5, const Offset(820, 560)),
..._generateEvents(100, const Offset(250, 1250)),
..._generateEvents(1000, const Offset(760, 1250)),
case "second_page":
return [
..._generateEvents(1000, const Offset(510, 340)),
..._generateEvents(500, const Offset(820, 560)),
..._generateEvents(100, const Offset(250, 1250)),
..._generateEvents(10, const Offset(760, 1250)),
case "generate_heatmap_page":
return [
..._generateEvents(10, const Offset(510, 340)),
..._generateEvents(500, const Offset(820, 560)),
..._generateEvents(1500, const Offset(250, 1250)),
..._generateEvents(5000, const Offset(760, 1250)),
return [];

List<HeatMapEvent> _generateEvents(int length, Offset location) =>
List<HeatMapEvent>.filled(length, HeatMapEvent(location: location));
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Coordinates (Offset) #
To get the exact coordinates in the images use this link
License #
This tool is licenced under MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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