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flutter highlight search text

flutter_highlight_search_text #
flutter_highlight_search_text is a Flutter package designed to highlight search text within a string. It provides a customizable and efficient way to emphasize specific portions of text, making it ideal for search functionalities and text displays.
Features #

Customizable Text and Highlight Styles:

Easily apply custom text styles for both the regular and highlighted portions of your text. Set your preferred colors, fonts, sizes, and more.

Supports Case-Insensitive Matching:

The widget can highlight text regardless of the case, ensuring that all instances of the search query are highlighted correctly.

Efficient Text Splitting:

Optimized for splitting and finding the query within the text, ensuring smooth performance even with large strings.

Flexible Max Lines:

Control the number of lines displayed with the maxLines parameter, allowing text to be truncated with ellipsis when necessary.

Handles Edge Cases:

The widget gracefully handles cases where the search query is empty or not found within the text, ensuring consistent behavior.

Easy Integration:

Simply drop the SearchHighlightText widget into your app and customize it according to your needs with a few lines of code.

Getting started #
To use this package, follow these steps:

Add the Dependency:
Add flutter_highlight_search_text to your pubspec.yaml file:

Usage #
text: 'This is text',
query: "text",

copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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