
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter locales

flutter_locales #
Localize your Flutter app to multiple locales within seconds
Why Flutter Locales #
✅ Easily Localize your app
✅ Change App Locale within the app
✅ Get Last Changed locale on App starts
✅ Save Locale Language After changed buy LocaleNotifier
✅ Get Translation with LocaleText('key') Widget
Example App #
Look at a Simple app at GitHub.

Video Tutorial #

1) Create locales assets #
Create an assets/locales folder at the root of your project and add your locales json files.

your locale files name shall be name of the language


en.json For english locales
ps.json for pashto locales

2) Include package and assets #

Include latest dependency of flutter_locales

sdk: flutter
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Include assets/locales/ folder

uses-material-design: true
- assets/locales/
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3) Initialize app #

Replace your main app with

void main() async {
await Locales.init(['en', 'fa', 'ps']); // get last saved language
// remove await if you want to get app default language

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['en', 'fa', 'ps'] are language codes of .json files located in located in assets/locales folder
You can replace these languages with your languages

Wrap your MaterialApp with LocaleBuilder then provide locale to app

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return LocaleBuilder(
builder: (locale) => MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Locales',
localizationsDelegates: Locales.delegates,
supportedLocales: Locales.supportedLocales,
locale: locale,
home: HomeScreen(),
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LocaleBuilder rebuild the app you change the app locale by Locales.change(context, 'fa')

Locale Text #
LocaleText Widget Use to translate a key
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LocaleText Translate a key to string

Locale String #

To get a key translated call

Locales.string(context, 'welcome')

// with extension
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Change App Locale #
To change app locale language
Locales.change(context, 'fa');

//with extension
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When you change app automatically saves at Locale

Current Locale Language #

To get current locale call


//with extension
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Getting Started #
This project is a starting point for a Dart
a library module containing code that can be shared easily across
multiple Flutter or Dart projects.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
online documentation, which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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