
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter map polywidget

flutter_map_polywidget #
flutter_map_polywidget is a flutter_map plugin for
displaying any widget on the map.
Join flutter_map Discord server to talk
about flutter_map_polywidget, get help and help others in the #plugins channel.
Features #

choose the location and size of the desired area and display any widget you want
define the location by

center, width, height and angle
two exact and one approximated point

constrain your custom widget so that it does not get too big or too small when you zoom in or out
define whether the widget should rotate with the users view, restrict it to one orientation or
disable rotation completely

Getting started #
Add flutter_map_polywidget to your pubspec.yaml:
flutter_map_polywidget: any # or latest verion
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Usage #
Start by adding a PolyWidgetLayer to your map:
children: [
polyWidgets: [
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Add PolyWidget widgets inside your PolyWidgetLayer. PolyWidgets can be created in two ways.
First, by defining the center location, the width, the height and the angle of your widget:
center: LatLng(50.933465, 6.875109),
widthInMeters: 100,
heightInMeters: 200,
angle: 90,
child: ...,
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Second, by defining three corners of the desired widget on the map. The first and second corners are
fixed and will be used to define the width and angle of your widget. The third corner is only fixed
if it is placed in a 90° angle from the second corner. Otherwise the distance from the second to the
third corner is used to calculate the actual third corner. All three corners are used to calculate
the center location.
pointA: LatLng(50.936614, 6.876283),
pointB: LatLng(50.936498, 6.877663),
approxPointC: LatLng(50.935312, 6.877419),
child: ...,
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Constraints #
By default, your widget is unconstrained. The more you zoom out, the smaller your widget gets. If
your widget needs a minimum size, this can result in layout errors. To prevent that, you can define
constraints on your polywidget. This wraps your widget in a FittedBox and ensures, that it fits your
constraints: BoxConstraints(
minWidth: 250,
maxWidth: 350,
child: ...,
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Disable rotation #
By default, your widget rotates automatically so it lines up with the current rotation of the map.
To disable that, set noRotation to true:
noRotation: true,
child: ...,
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Force orientation #
If you want your widget to only rotate to portrait or landscape orientation, you can do that by
defining forceOrientation:
forceOrientation: Orientation.landscape, //or Orientation.portrait
child: ...,
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Example #
You can find the example shown in the showcase video in /example.


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