
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter overlay window sdk34

Flutter plugin for displaying your Flutter app over other apps on the screen

Preview #

TrueCaller overlay example
click-through overlay example
Messanger chat-head example

Installation #
Add package to your pubspec:
flutter_overlay_window: any # or the latest version on Pub
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Android #
You'll need to add the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission and OverlayService to your Android Manifest.
Replace explanation_for_special_use with your custom explanation.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_SPECIAL_USE" />

<service android:name="flutter.overlay.window.flutter_overlay_window.OverlayService"
<property android:name="android.app.PROPERTY_SPECIAL_USE_FGS_SUBTYPE"
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Entry point #
Inside main.dart create an entry point for your Overlay widget;

// overlay entry point
void overlayMain() {
runApp(const MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Material(child: Text("My overlay"))

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/// check if overlay permission is granted
final bool status = await FlutterOverlayWindow.isPermissionGranted();

/// request overlay permission
/// it will open the overlay settings page and return `true` once the permission granted.
final bool status = await FlutterOverlayWindow.requestPermission();

/// Open overLay content
/// - Optional arguments:
/// `height` the overlay height and default is [WindowSize.fullCover]
/// `width` the overlay width and default is [WindowSize.matchParent]
/// `alignment` the alignment postion on screen and default is [OverlayAlignment.center]
/// `visibilitySecret` the detail displayed in notifications on the lock screen and default is [NotificationVisibility.visibilitySecret]
/// `OverlayFlag` the overlay flag and default is [OverlayFlag.defaultFlag]
/// `overlayTitle` the notification message and default is "overlay activated"
/// `overlayContent` the notification message
/// `enableDrag` to enable/disable dragging the overlay over the screen and default is "false"
/// `positionGravity` the overlay postion after drag and default is [PositionGravity.none]
/// `startPosition` the overlay start position and default is null
await FlutterOverlayWindow.showOverlay();

/// closes overlay if open
await FlutterOverlayWindow.closeOverlay();

/// broadcast data to and from overlay app
await FlutterOverlayWindow.shareData("Hello from the other side");

/// streams message shared between overlay and main app
FlutterOverlayWindow.overlayListener.listen((event) {
log("Current Event: $event");

/// use [OverlayFlag.focusPointer] when you want to use fields that show keyboards
await FlutterOverlayWindow.showOverlay(flag: OverlayFlag.focusPointer);

/// update the overlay flag while the overlay in action
await FlutterOverlayWindow.updateFlag(OverlayFlag.defaultFlag);

/// Update the overlay size in the screen
await FlutterOverlayWindow.resizeOverlay(80, 120);

/// Update the overlay position in the screen
/// `position` the new position of the overlay
/// `return` true if the position updated successfully
await FlutterOverlayWindow.moveOverlay(OverlayPosition(0, 156))

/// Get the current overlay position
/// `return` the current overlay position
await FlutterOverlayWindow.getOverlayPosition()

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enum OverlayFlag {
/// Window flag: this window can never receive touch events.
/// Usefull if you want to display click-through overlay

/// Window flag: this window won't ever get key input focus
/// so the user can not send key or other button events to it.

/// Window flag: allow any pointer events outside of the window to be sent to the windows behind it.
/// Usefull when you want to use fields that show keyboards.

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/// Type of dragging behavior for the overlay.
enum PositionGravity {
/// The `PositionGravity.none` will allow the overlay to postioned anywhere on the screen.

/// The `PositionGravity.right` will allow the overlay to stick on the right side of the screen.

/// The `PositionGravity.left` will allow the overlay to stick on the left side of the screen.

/// The `PositionGravity.auto` will allow the overlay to stick either on the left or right side of the screen depending on the overlay position.

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