
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter processing

Flutter Processing #
A Flutter port of Processing.
This project is not affiliated with the Processing project, or related organizations.
The goal of flutter_processing is to provide the same easy learning environment as Processing, but with the additional utility of a production-ready UI toolkit, called Flutter. With traditional Processing, there is minimal professional value in the underlying language. With flutter_processing, the underlying tool, Flutter, is sufficient for employment as an app UI developer. flutter_processing offers an educational tool and an employment opportunity all in one.
Want to see how this project was implemented? Nearly every change was recorded and published to the SuperDeclarative! channel on YouTube.
To see which Processing APIs have been ported to Flutter, see the API Checklist.

Do you get value from this package? Please consider supporting SuperDeclarative!

Getting Started #
To play with some demos, clone this repository and run the example app!

To paint a canvas with a sketch in Flutter, the way you would in Processing, display a Processing widget and implement a Sketch.
void main() {
home: Processing(
sketch: Sketch.simple(
setup: (sketch) async {
// TODO: do your typical Sketch setup
// stuff here. Call methods on
// the provided sketch object.
draw: (sketch) async {
// TODO: do your typical Sketch drawing
// stuff here. Call methods on
// the provided sketch object.
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To retain and access variables in your Sketch, or to implement a Sketch in a more traditional way, subclass Sketch:
void main() {
home: Processing(
sketch: MySketch(),

class MySketch extends Sketch {
Future<void> setup() async {
// TODO: do setup stuff here

Future<void> draw() async {
// TODO: do drawing stuff here
copied to clipboard
Get Involved #
If you create anything cool, be sure to post it to Twitter and tag @SuprDeclarative and @FlutterDev!
If you need something implemented, or you find a bug, please checkout the Contributing Guide and then file an issue in the GitHub project.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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