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flutter radial gauge
Radial Gauge Flutter Package #
A customizable RadialGauge widget for Flutter applications. This widget allows you to create interactive radial gauges for displaying values in a circular format. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the gauge, including its size, colors, pointer style, and looping behavior.
Features #
Customizable appearance (size, colors, pointer style, etc.)
Interactive gauge with callback for value changes
Easy to integrate and use
Getting Started #
Prerequisites #
Flutter SDK: >=1.17.0
Dart SDK: >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
Usage #
To use the RadialGauge widget, import the package:
import 'package:flutter_radial_gauge/flutter_radial_gauge.dart';
copied to clipboard
Then create a RadialGauge object and pass in the desired parameters. For example:
initialValue: 50.0,
onValueChanged: (value) {
print('Current value: $value');
copied to clipboard
Parameters #
The RadialGauge widget accepts the following parameters:
initialValue: The initial value of the gauge. Defaults to 0.0.
onValueChanged: Called when the value of the gauge changes. This callback provides the new value of the gauge as a double.
innerRadius: The inner radius of the gauge. This determines the size of the inner circle of the gauge. Defaults to 80.0.
outerRadius: The outer radius of the gauge. This determines the overall size of the gauge. Defaults to 100.0.
backgroundColor: The background color of the gauge. Defaults to const Color(0xFFFDE9E0).
foregroundColor: The foreground color of the gauge, representing the filled portion. Defaults to const Color(0xFFD08D74).
pointerRadius: The radius of the pointer circle. Defaults to 12.0.
pointerStrokeWidth: The stroke width of the pointer circle. Defaults to 10.0.
pointerFillColor: The fill color of the pointer circle. Defaults to const Color(0xFF312C2E).
pointerStrokeColor: The stroke color of the pointer circle. Defaults to const Color(0xFFFABCB8).
pointerRectColor: The color of the small rectangle inside the pointer circle. Defaults to Colors.green.
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
How to Contribute #
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
Make your changes.
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
Open a pull request.
License #
This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Additional Information #
For more information, visit the package homepage. If you encounter any issues, please file them on the issue tracker. Expect a response within 48 hours.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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