
Creator: coderz1093

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flutter reload

flutter_reload #
Simplifies error handling by managing low-level errors, allowing developers to focus solely on business logic.
Why use flutter_reload #
We love and usually choose one of many state management mechanisms as our base architecture.
In many cases, such as using networking APIs, there is always a need for a “when” condition to handle exceptions in each view.
Flutter_reload tries to create a lightweight layer to handle all common error cases.
With an additional protection guard, we don’t need to manage each abnormal case for each UI and model anymore,
e.g. network error, storage error, programming exception.
We call such enjoyable development experience as without exception awareness. :D :)
Concept with exception awareness in UI
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
switch (result) {
case loading:
return Text('Loading view data...');
case error:
return Text('Load data failed.');
case data(data):
return Text('Yes!! Here is the $data!!');
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Concept without exception awareness in UI
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GuardView(
builder: (context) {
return Text('Yes!! Here is the ${result.data}!!');
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Concept with exception awareness in Model
Future<void> createTodo(Todo todo) {
try {
state = Result.loading();
final data = await todoService.createTodo();
state = Result.success(Todo.fromJson(data));
} catch (ex) {
if (ex is NetworkException) {
state = Result.error(ex);
} else if ...
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Concept without exception awareness in Model
Future<void> createTodo(Todo todo) {
await guard(() {
final data = await todoService.createTodo();
state = Result.success(Todo.fromJson(data));
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Install #
Follow the pub.dev's install site to install this package.
After the installation, you can easily integrate flutter_reload with three major steps:

Initiate configuration for exception handling and abnormal UI builder.

void main() {
abnormalStateBuilder: globalAbnormalStateBuilder,
exceptionHandle: globalExceptionHandle,
runApp(const MyApp());

Widget? globalAbnormalStateBuilder(BuildContext context, GuardState guardState,
DataSupplier<FutureOr<void>> dataReloader) {
switch (guardState) {
case InitGuardState():
return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive());
case OfflineGuardState():
return const Center(child: Text('Offline...'));
case ErrorGuardState<CustomException>(cause: CustomException cause):
return Center(child: Text('Error: ${cause.message}'));
case ErrorGuardState<Exception>(cause: var cause):
return Center(child: Text('Error: $cause'));
return null;

void globalExceptionHandle(
stackTrace, {
GuardStateController? guardStateController,
GuardExceptionHandleResult Function(dynamic, dynamic)? onError,
required bool silent,
}) {
final errorHandlerResult = onError?.call(exception, stackTrace) ??

if (guardStateController != null &&
guardStateController.value is InitGuardState) {

// TODO: log unexpected error here
guardStateController.value = ErrorGuardState<Exception>(cause: exception);
} else {
if (errorHandlerResult == GuardExceptionHandleResult.mute) {
} else {
// TODO: log unexpected error here
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('$exception')));
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support reload lifecycle in your (UI) model.

class MyViewModel extends GuardViewModel {
final randomWords = <String>[];

MyViewModel() : super(GuardState.init);

FutureOr<void> reload() async {
await guardReload(() async {
randomWords..clear()..addAll(await myNetworkService.getRandomWordsFromServer());
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use GuardView() for your UI.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GuardView(
model: myViewModel,
builder: (context) {
return ListenableWidget(
model: myViewModel,
builder: (context) {
return ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
final rowData = myViewModel.randomWords[index];
return ListTile(
key: ValueKey(rowData),
title: Text(rowData),
separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const Divider(),
itemCount: myViewModel.randomWords.length,
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Example #

news: A HackNews demo with Flutter ChangeNotifier as state management
news_riverpod: A HackNews demo with Riverpod as state management
Todo: A common Todo App demo with Flutter ChangeNotifier as state management

Architecture #

Lifecycle #

LLM friendly framework #

Merge all Dart files (core + example) into a single context (e.g., in a Mac environment):

find ./packages/flutter_reload ./examples/news -name "*.dart" -print0 | xargs -0 cat > ~/Downloads/flutter_reload_source
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BTW, you can add whatever examples you want instead of ./examples/news

Add the context to your LLM reference alongside your requirements:


help to to write a todo list app with flutter_reload. you will implement following requirements:

1. TODO CRUD operations for model and UI.
2. support persistence to save the model's todos
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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