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flutter rive generator

Generates Flutter code from Rive files.
flutter_rive_generator is a CLI which generates statically typed classes from your Rive files, giving you compile time safety when using artboards, animations and state machine triggers.
Warning #
The package is at an early stage. Changes to the generated files are highly likely at this point.
If you have comments, suggestions or feature requests, please let me know!
Usage #
Add a dependency or install globally.
Then just run flutter pub run flutter_rive_generator from the command line.
What gets generated? #
From each rive file the a new file is generated based on the input file name with a rive.dart extension.
The file contains:

A class named based on the Rive file name.
Then for each artboard:

Classes for each state machine in the artboard.
A main class for the artboard containing getters for state machines.
A widget that allows to simply load the Artboard with type safe controllers and animations.

For example usages, see the example.
What doesn't get generated? #

Artboards with duplicate names are ignored.
Artboards with default names are ignored.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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