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flutter simple candlesticks
Flutter candlesticks #
An elegant Flutter candlesticks chart
Example #
Non scrollable chart #
const style = CandlestickChartStyle(
yLegendStyle: CandlestickChartYLegendStyle(
textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
numberOfLabels: 5,
lineStyle: CandlestickChartDashedLineStyle(width: 1, color: Colors.white)),
candlestickStyle: CandlestickStyle(bullishColor: Color(0xFF38bbbf), bearishColor: Color(0xFFed7b9e)),
candlestickSelectedStyle: CandlestickStyle(bullishColor: Color(0xff25787b), bearishColor: Color(0xff9d4963)));
height: 200,
data: data,
style: style,
getHightCallback: (e) => e.hight,
getCloseCallback: (e) => e.close,
getLowCallback: (e) => e.low,
getOpenCallback: (e) =>,
getTimeCallback: (e) =>,
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Scrollable chart #
const style = CandlestickChartStyle(
yLegendStyle: CandlestickChartYLegendStyle(
textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
numberOfLabels: 5,
lineStyle: CandlestickChartLineStyle(width: 1, color: Colors.white)),
candlestickStyle: CandlestickStyle(bullishColor: Color(0xFF38bbbf), bearishColor: Color(0xFFed7b9e)),
candlestickSelectedStyle: CandlestickStyle(bullishColor: Color(0xff25787b), bearishColor: Color(0xff9d4963))
height: 200,
data: data,
style: style,
options: const CandlestickChartOptions(isScrollable: true),
getHightCallback: (e) => e.hight,
getCloseCallback: (e) => e.close,
getLowCallback: (e) => e.low,
getOpenCallback: (e) =>,
getTimeCallback: (e) =>,
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