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flutter spark

Spark #
Flutter App Folder Structure Generator #
This tool helps you create a decent folder structure for your Flutter app and manage assets.
Installation #
Ensure you have Dart SDK installed on your machine. then run the following command.
dart pub global activate flutter_spark
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Once the tool is installed, you can use it to create a Flutter app with a predefined folder structure and manage assets.
Creating a New Flutter App #
To create a new Flutter app with the predefined folder structure, run:
spark create myapp
copied to clipboard

This command will create the app with a predefined folder structure..!!
Creating folder structure in build app #
spark init folders
copied to clipboard

This will create a basic folder structure for you app.

Managing Assets #
The tool provides commands to manage assets in your project.
Get All Assets
To create a class for all the Icons and Images in the assets directory, run:
spark init assets
copied to clipboard
This command will generate a Dart class with constants for each asset folder.

Adding Assets
To add assets to your project, simply place them inside the assets folder. The tool will automatically include them in your Flutter app.

Feature Management #
The tool provides commands to manage features in your project.
Creating a New Feature
To create folder structure for a new feature, run:
spark -a MyFeature
copied to clipboard
spark --add_feature MyFeature
copied to clipboard
Replace MyFeature with the name of your new feature.

Removing an Existing Feature #
To remove folder structure of an existing feature, run:
spark -r MyFeature
copied to clipboard
spark --remove_feature MyFeature
copied to clipboard
Replace MyFeature with the name of the feature you want to remove.

Routing Management #
The tool provides commands to manage routing in your project.
Managing Routing
To create files and folder structure for routing, run:
spark init routes
copied to clipboard

This command will create necessary files and folder structure for managing routing in your Flutter app.

Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
Suggestions #
If you have any suggestions or feature requests for this tool, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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