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flutterfire version manager
The FlutterFire packages do not properly follow semver, and all packages must be on the versions released together. This causes issues downgrading a package, as it will be incompatible with the other FlutterFire packages. The ffvm tool aims to solve this by allowing you to specify what package and version you want to use, and it will lock all the other packages to the appropriate versions.
Features #
Lock all FlutterFire packages to versions compatible with the specified package and version
Getting started #
dart pub global activate flutterfire_version_manager
copied to clipboard
Usage #
ffvm <package> <version>
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
Hopefully in the future this package will not be necessary
If you maintain any third party FlutterFire packages that are affected by this, please create an issue and I will add them to the list of packages that are locked
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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