
Creator: coderz1093

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font preview

What is it? #
font_preview is a helper package to inspect, compare & preview fonts that are being used in you Flutter app.

When do you need it? #

When you want to make sure youre custom font is loaded and being used
When you're using google_font and you want to make sure the font you're using is downloaded and being used

NOTE: font_preview uses BungeeShade-Regular as the fallback font so if your font is not loaded on your texts, they will look like this.

this way you can easily recognize this issue.

when you simply need to see how the font looks like across different font-weights and font-styles
when you want to compare fonts together
when you need to make sure all font-weights and font-styles for your custom font are loaded correctly.
when you want to check for faux styles. for example whether flutter is using a faux bold for w700 font weight or the font you specified.

How to use it? #
Add it as a dev_dependency
font_preview: $latest-version
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Run the following code. it will navigates to a new screen to preview the fonts
previewText: 'Flutter is Great',
fonts: [
// if you have custom fonts in your assets you can use its
// font family name
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You can provide multiple fonts and compare them side by side for each font-weight and font-style
previewText: 'Flutter is Great',
fonts: [

// If you are using google_fonts package for loading fonts
// provide your fonts for previewing like this
(fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle) => GoogleFonts.raleway(
fontSize: fontSize,
fontStyle: fontStyle,
fontWeight: fontWeight,

(fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle) => GoogleFonts.roboto(
fontSize: fontSize,
fontStyle: fontStyle,
fontWeight: fontWeight,

fontStyles: [FontStyle.normal],
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And you can specify what styles, weights & sizes you want your font to be previewed in
previewText: 'Flutter is Great',
fonts: [
fontStyles: [FontStyle.normal],
fontWeights: [FontWeight.w400, FontWeight.w700],
previewSizes: [11.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 22.0],

copied to clipboard


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