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fps payment code

fps_payment_code #
Generate FPS payment code.
Platform Support #


Requirements #

Flutter >=3.0.1
Dart >=2.18.0 <4.0.0
iOS >=12.0
MacOS >=10.14
Android compileSDK 34
Java 17
Android Gradle Plugin >=8.3.0
Gradle wrapper >=8.4

Usage #
Import package:fps_payment_code/fps_payment_code.dart, instantiate FPSCodeGenerator
and use the Android and iOS, Web generator to generate payment code.

import 'package:fps_payment_code/fps_payment_code.dart';

FPSCodeGenerator generator = FPSCodeGenerator();

var paymentCode = generator.generate(
fpsType: FpsType.id, // or FpsType.phoneNumber, FpsType.email
fpsId: '1234567',
currency: 'HKD',
amount: '100',
merchantName: 'Your Merchant Name',
additionalData: FPSCodeAdditionalData(
billNumber: '12345',
mobileNumber: '98765432',


copied to clipboard

import 'package:fps_payment_code/fps_payment_code.dart';

FPSCodeGenerator generator = FPSCodeGenerator();

var paymentCode = generator.generate(
fpsType: FpsType.phoneNumber,
phoneNumber: '+852-92570683',
currency: 'HKD',
amount: '100.00',


copied to clipboard
Parameters #
FPSCodeGenerator #

fpsType: Type of payment identifier (phone number, ID, or email).
fpsId: The payment identifier (if fpsType is id).
phoneNumber: The user's phone number (if fpsType is phoneNumber).
email: The user's email address (if fpsType is email).
currency: The currency code (e.g., HKD).
amount: The transaction amount.
merchantName: The name of the merchant.
additionalData: Optional additional data for the transaction.

FPSCodeAdditionalData #

billNumber: Up to 25 characters.
mobileNumber: Up to 25 characters.
storeLabel: Up to 25 characters.
loyaltyNumber: Up to 25 characters.
referenceLabel: Up to 25 characters.
customerLabel: Up to 25 characters.
terminalLabel: Up to 25 characters.
purposeOfTransaction: Up to 25 characters.
additionalConsumerDataRequest: Up to 25 characters.

FPS codes segment: #

Transaction Types

Supports three types of payment identifiers: phoneNumber, id, and email, allowing flexibility in how users can receive payments.

Currency Support (A numeric code based on [ISO 4217])

The CurrencyCode enum includes a comprehensive list of currencies, ensuring users can specify the appropriate currency for their transactions.


Merchant detail includes country, city and merchant name.

Additional Data Handling

The FPSCodeAdditionalData class allows for optional fields like bill numbers, store labels, and customer labels, enhancing transaction details while ensuring that certain fields (like bill number and reference label) cannot coexist.

Validation Checks(CRC based on [ISO/IEC 13239] using the polynomial '1021' (hex) and initial value 'FFFF' (hex))

The code includes validation checks to ensure that required fields are present and correctly formatted.

License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
Contact #
For any inquiries, please contact [[email protected]].


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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