
Creator: coderz1093

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full coverage

full_coverage #
Coverage tools like codecov only see the files that were actually triggered by tests. This means that a coverage of 100% can easily be a lie, e.g. you can just write a dummy test that does not import any files and a coverage tool will ignore all the code base.
Luckily, this package resolves this problem.
How it works #
The full_coverage package harvests the power of Bash to find all files in specified directory, by default it is lib directory, where all Flutter files are. It then creates a dummy test file test/full_coverage_test.dart that imports all the Dart files that were found and has an empty void main() {} function so that it actually starts.
Install #
Use this command:
dart pub global activate full_coverage
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Execute #
Use the command:
dart pub global run full_coverage
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Or add the cache-system to your PATH environment variable for run directly.
Check documentation for more;
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Other commands #
-i, --ignore Ignore files. ex (*_widget.dart,*_page.dart).
-h, --[no-]help usage doc.
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For more details Telegram Group Flutterando.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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