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fuzzypandas 0.1
A razor-thin layer over csvmatch that allows you to do fuzzy mathing with pandas dataframes.
pip install fuzzy_pandas
To borrow 100% from the original repo, say you have one CSV file such as:
George Smiley,London,Beggerman
Percy Alleline,London,Tinker
Roy Bland,London,Soldier
Toby Esterhase,Vienna,Poorman
Peter Guillam,Brixton,none
Bill Haydon,London,Tailor
Oliver Lacon,London,none
Jim Prideaux,Slovakia,none
Connie Sachs,Oxford,none
And another such as:
Person Name,Location
Maria Andreyevna Ostrakova,Russia
Otto Leipzig,Estonia
George SMILEY,London
Peter Guillam,Brixton
Konny Saks,Oxford
Saul Enderby,London
Sam Collins,Vietnam
Tony Esterhase,Vienna
Claus Kretzschmar,Hamburg
You can then find which names are in both files:
import pandas as pd
import fuzzy_pandas as fpd
df1 = pd.read_csv("data1.csv")
df2 = pd.read_csv("data2.csv")
matches = fpd.fuzzy_merge(df1, df2,
right_on=['Person Name'],
Person Name
George Smiley
Peter Guillam
Peter Guillam
Dumping this out of the code itself, apologies for lack of pretty formatting.
left : DataFrame
right : DataFrame
Object to merge left with
on : str or list
Column names to compare. These must be found in both DataFrames.
left_on : str or list
Column names to compare in the left DataFrame.
right_on : str or list
Column names to compare in the right DataFrame.
left_cols : list, default None
List of columns to preserve from the left DataFrame.
Defaults to left_on.
right_cols : list, default None
List of columns to preserve from the right DataFrame.
Defaults to right_on.
method : str or list, default 'exact'
Perform a fuzzy match, and an optional specified algorithm.
Multiple algorithms can be specified which will apply to each field
exact: exact matches
levenshtein: string distance metric
jaro: string distance metric
metaphone: phoenetic matching algorithm
bilenko: prompts for matches
threshold : float or list, default 0.6
The threshold for a fuzzy match as a number between 0 and 1. Multiple numbers will be applied to each field respectively.
ignore_case : bool, default False
Ignore case (default is case-sensitive)
ignore_nonalpha : bool, default False
Ignore non-alphanumeric characters
ignore_nonlatin : bool, default False
Ignore characters from non-latin alphabets. Accented characters are compared to their unaccented equivalent
ignore_order_words : bool, default False
Ignore the order words are given in
ignore_order_letters : bool, default False
Ignore the order the letters are given in, regardless of word order
ignore_titles : bool, default False
Ignore a predefined list of name titles (such as Mr, Ms, etc)
join : { 'inner', 'left-outer', 'right-outer', 'full-outer' }
For more how-to information, check out [the examples folder]( or the [the original repo](
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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