
Creator: coderz1093

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galileo sqljocky5

SQLJocky5 #
MySQL client for Dart.
Creating a connection #
var s = ConnectionSettings(
user: "root",
password: "dart_jaguar",
host: "localhost",
port: 3306,
db: "example",
var conn = await MySqlConnection.connect(s);
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Closing a connection #
await conn.close();
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Execute a query #
Results results = await conn.execute('select name, email from users');
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Results is an iterable of Row. Columns can be accessed from Row using
integer index or by name.
results.forEach((Row row) {
// Access columns by index
print('Name: ${row[0]}, email: ${row[1]}');
// Access columns by name
print('Name: ${}, email: ${}');
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Prepared query #
await conn.prepared('insert into users (name, email, age) values (?, ?, ?)',
['Bob', '', 25]);
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Insert id #
An insert query's results will be empty, but will have an id if there was
an auto-increment column in the table:
print("New user's id: ${result.insertId}");
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Prepared multiple queries #
var results = await query.preparedMulti(
'insert into users (name, email, age) values (?, ?, ?)',
[['Bob', '', 25],
['Bill', '', 26],
['Joe', '', 37]]);
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Transactions #
Transaction trans = await pool.begin();
try {
var result1 = await trans.execute('...');
var result2 = await trans.execute('...');
await trans.commit();
} catch(e) {
await trans.rollback();
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Safe transaction #
await pool.transaction((trans) {
var result1 = await trans.execute('...');
var result2 = await trans.execute('...');
copied to clipboard

Better handling of various data types, especially BLOBs, which behave differently when using straight queries and prepared queries.
Implement the rest of mysql's commands
Handle character sets properly? Currently defaults to UTF8 for the connection character set. Is it
necessary to support anything else?
Improve performance where possible
Geometry type
Decimal type should probably use a bigdecimal type of some sort
MySQL 4 types (old decimal, anything else?)
Test against multiple mysql versions

Attention perform the tests in a serial way do not use concurrency dart run test --concurrency 1


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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