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🖍 Gator #
Generate shades and tints from primary colors hex values for easy setup.
Example #
Append the gator spec to your pubspec.yaml. If no pubspec.yaml create your own config file
(such as colors.yaml or gator.yaml) and specify it in the command.
gator # using pubspec.yaml
gator -c colors.yaml
gator -c colors.yaml -o my/path/colors.dart
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class: MyColors
output: example/colors.g.dart
royalBlue: '0xff062091'
grey: '#d6d6d6'
rebeccaPurple: '663399'
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Will create these shades:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' show Color, MaterialColor;
class MyColors {
static const _royalBluePrimaryValue = 0xff062091;
static const royalBlue = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
050: Color(0xff6a79bd),
100: Color(0xff5163b2),
200: Color(0xff384da7),
300: Color(0xff1f369c),
400: Color(0xff062091),
500: Color(_royalBluePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xff051d83),
700: Color(0xff051a74),
800: Color(0xff041666),
900: Color(0xff041357),
static const _greyPrimaryValue = 0xffd6d6d6;
static const grey = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
050: Color(0xffe6e6e6),
100: Color(0xffe2e2e2),
200: Color(0xffdedede),
300: Color(0xffdadada),
400: Color(0xffd6d6d6),
500: Color(_greyPrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xffc1c1c1),
700: Color(0xffababab),
800: Color(0xff969696),
900: Color(0xff808080),
static const _rebeccaPurplePrimaryValue = 0xff663399;
static const rebeccaPurple = MaterialColor(
<int, Color>{
050: Color(0xffa385c2),
100: Color(0xff9470b8),
200: Color(0xff855cad),
300: Color(0xff7547a3),
400: Color(0xff663399),
500: Color(_rebeccaPurplePrimaryValue),
600: Color(0xff5c2e8a),
700: Color(0xff52297a),
800: Color(0xff47246b),
900: Color(0xff3d1f5c),
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Contributing #
Make sure your changes are covered.
# ensure you have `coverage` installed:
# $ dart pub global activate coverage
dart run test --coverage coverage \
&& dart pub global run coverage:format_coverage -i coverage/test -o coverage/ --lcov \
&& genhtml -q coverage/ -o coverage/html
# Open your generated coverage:
open coverage/html/index.html
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