
Creator: coderz1093

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gbk codec

The GBK (Chinese Internal Code Specification: China GBK 汉字内码扩展规范编码表) code converter library
Created from GBK standard, generated code converter tables, overwrote converter class of dart. It's a pure dart solution.
Two class for GBK library:

gbk, standard 16-bits codec library
gbk_bytes, gbk byte codec library, for bytes stream

Usage #
deCode and enCode using samples, standard 16-bits library and byte library:
import 'package:gbk_codec/gbk_codec.dart';

main() {
String text = 'dart GBK code 兩岸猿聲啼不住, chinese simple:轻舟已过万重山.';

//gbk encode
List<int> gbkCodes = gbk.encode(text);
String hex = '';
gbkCodes.forEach((i) {hex += i.toRadixString(16)+ ' ';});

//gbk decode
String decoded_text = gbk.decode(gbkCodes);

//gbk_bytes encode
List<int> gbk_byteCodes = gbk_bytes.encode(text);
hex = '';
gbk_byteCodes.forEach((i) {hex += i.toRadixString(16)+ ' ';});

//gbk_bytes decode
String decoded_bytes_text = gbk_bytes.decode(gbk_byteCodes);

copied to clipboard
Here is online page decoding sample:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:gbk_codec/gbk_codec.dart';

const String URL = '';

main() {
.then((HttpClientRequest request) {return request.close();})
.then((response) {
List<int> full = new List<int>();
response.listen((data) => full.addAll(data),
onDone:() => print(gbk_bytes.decode(full)),
onError:(e) => print);
copied to clipboard
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the [issue tracker][tracker].


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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