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genshinaccountswitcher 1.2.2
Simple account switcher for Genshin Impact on Linux.
You need to have Python 3.10+ installed.
$ pip install genshin-account-switcher
CLI: Usage
Registering an account:
$ genshin-account-switcher register
Successfully registered account '999999999'.
Switching between accounts:
# No argument -> shows list of registered accounts
$ genshin-account-switcher switch
usage: genshin-account-switcher switch [-h] [uid]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available UIDs:
* [0] 888888888
* [1] 999999999 ✔
# Pick one via the UID itself or the shortcut
$ genshin-account-switcher switch 888888888
Successfully switched to account '888888888'
$ genshin-account-switcher switch 1
Successfully switched to account '999999999'
Naming accounts
Since UIDs are confusing you can name your account:
$ genshin-account-switcher register --name "Main Account"
Successfully registered account '888888888' under the8 name 'Main Account'.
# You'll now see the name when trying to switch:
$ genshin-account-switcher switch
usage: genshin-account-switcher switch [-h] [uid]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available UIDs:
* [0] Main Account (888888888)
* [1] 999999999 ✔
# You can also use the set-name command instead of doing this while registering
$ genshin-account-switcher set-name 999999999 "Alt Account"
Successfully saved Alt Account (999999999)
GUI: Usage
You can open a graphical user interface by executing the "gui" sub command:
$ genshin-account-switcher gui
GNU General Public License v3
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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