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genwal 0.0.1
Little python script to generate Gentoo wallpapers
wallpaper.svg is modified version of gentoo logo, I added background and modular color
wallpaper.svg is licensed CC-BY-SA/2.5
Install from git:
python -m pip install git+
Install from pypi (coming soon):
python -m pip install genwal
Without any parametars, default png is generated
usage: genwal [-h] [--bg BG] [--fg1 FG1] [--fg2 FG2] [--fg3 FG3]
[--scale SCALE]
Little python script to generate Gentoo wallpapers
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bg BG, --background BG
--fg1 FG1, --foreground1 FG1
--fg2 FG2, --foreground2 FG2
--fg3 FG3, --foreground3 FG3
--scale SCALE
Add more distros
Add option to change scale of logo
Support other aspect ratios
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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